About us

What is Mayhew Georgia working towards?

Georgia has a large number of free-roaming dogs and cats living alongside people in cities, towns and villages. Our team is working to help these animals as well as local pets and their owners.

Our aims

We want to improve animal welfare in Georgia and encourage communities to treat the animals living alongside them with care and respect.

We work to:

  • Prevent and alleviate the suffering of and cruelty to animals (primarily dogs and cats) in Georgia. We do this through animal population management and disease control initiatives, creating safer and healthier communities for animals and people.
  • Provide learning and development opportunities to veterinary and animal care professionals from Georgia and surrounding countries. We cover the care, welfare and treatment of small animals (primarily dogs and cats).
  • Raise public awareness of these issue and educate them on their responsibility to animals in society.
Dr Ana Mayhew Georgia

The founder of Mayhew Georgia is

The Mayhew Home, charity registration #1077588, Trenmar Gardens, London NW10 6BJ, UK.

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